Object Model


An Environment abstractly represents a single homogenous climate-controlled volume within a system. A food computer usually consists of a single Environment, but larger systems will often contain more than one Environment.


(str) A human-readable name for the environment


An EnvironmentalDataPoint represents a single measurement or event in an Environment, such as a single air temperature measurement or the start of a recipe.


(str, required) The ID of the environment for which this point was measured


(str, required) The type of measurement of event this represents (e.g. “air_temperature”). The class EnvVar contains all valid variable names.


(bool) This should be true if the data point represents a manual reading performed by a user and false if it represents an automatic reading from a firmware or software module. Defaults to false.


(bool, required) This should be true if the data point represents the desired state of the environment (e.g. the set points of a recipe) and false if it represents the measured state of the environment.


The value associated with the measurement or event. The exact use of this field may very depending on the variable field.


(float, required) A UNIX timestamp reflecting when this data point was generated.


In order to allow for recipes to evolve, we have developed a very generic recipe model. The idea behind the model is that the system runs a recipe handler module which declares some list of recipe formats that it supports. Recipes also declare what format they are. Thus, to define a new recipe format, you can write a custom recipe handler module type that understands that format, write recipes in the new format, and then use the rest of the existing system as is. See Writing Recipes for information on existing recipe formats and how to write recipes with them.


(str) A human-readable name for the recipe


(str) A description of the recipe and what it should be used for


(str, required) The format of the recipe


(required) The actual content of the recipe, organized as specified for the format of this recipe


A FirmwareInput gives information about a single input to a firmware module (a ROS topic to which the module subscribes). These objects are only ever stored in the input attribute of a FirmwareModuleType or FirmwareModule.


(str) The name of the ROS message type expected for messages on the topic


(str) The name of the environmental variable affected by this input. For example, for a heater, this should be “air_temperature”. Defaults to the key for this object in the parent dictionary.


(list) A list of categories to which this inputs belongs. Must be a subset of [“actuators”, “calibration”] and defaults to [“actuators”]


(str) A short description of what the input is for


(float) A factor by which to multiply data points on this input before they reach the module itself. This should generally be used to specify the extent to which the module affects the variable. For example, for an input which represents the command to send to a chiller module, the input should have the variable “air_temperature” and should have a negative multiplier so that a negative output from the air temperature control loop turns the chiller on. Fractional multipliers are allowed and can be useful to balance things from the perspective of the control loop when an up actuator (e.g. heater) is more powerful than its corresponding down actuator (e.g. chiller) or vice versa. Defaults to 1.


(float) Data points sent to this input with an absolute value less than the deadband will be sent as zeros instead. This is expecially useful for boolean inputs. For example, if a control loop outputs a float that is being fed into a binary actuator, a deadband can be put on the input to the actuator to effectively set a threshold on the commanded control effect above which the acuator will turn on.


A FirmwareOutput gives information about a single outputs from a firmware module (a ROS topic to which the module publishes). These objects are only ever stored in the output attribute of a FirmwareModuleType or FirmwareModule.


(str) The name of the ROS message type expected for messages on the topic


(str) The name of the environmental variable represented by this output. Defaults to the key for this object in the parent dictionary.


(list) A list of categories to which this output belongs. Must be a subset of [“sensors”, “calibration”] and defaults to [“sensors”]


(str) A short description of what the output is for


(float) The maximum error for measurements on this output. Used to decide how to round the values before they are presented to the user.


(float) A value below which the absolute difference between two repeated readings on this output should be expected to lie with a probability of 95% assuming that the underlying environmental condition is constant between readings.


A FirmwareArgument gives information about a single argument to a firmware module (an argument to the constructor for the Arduino class for the module). These objects are only ever stored in the arguments attribute of a FirmwareModuleType or FirmwareModule.


(str) The name of the argument


(str, required) Must be one of “int”, “float”, “bool”, and “str”


(str) A short description of what the argument is for


The value that should be used for the argument if the user doesn’t specify one.


A FirmwareModuleType represents a firmware library for interfacing with a particular system peripheral. It is essentially a driver for a sensor or actuator. The code can be either stored in a git repository or registered with PlatformIO and metadata about it should be stored in the OpenAg database. See Writing Firmware Modules for information on how to write firmware modules.


(dict) A dictionary that describes where the code for this module type is hosted. The dictionary must always have the field “type” which indicates what service hosts the code. For a module hosted by platformio, this dictionary should have a “type” of “pio” and an “id” which is the integer ID of the platformIO library. For a module hosted in a git repository, the dictionary should have a “type” of “git” and a “url” which is the URL of the git repository.


(str, required) The name of the header file containing the top-level class in the library


(str, required) The name of the top-level class in the library


(str) Description of the library


(list) A list of FirmwareArgument objects representing the arguments to be passed to the constructor of the top-level class of this module. All arguments with a default value should be at the end of the list.


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which modules of this type subscribe to FirmwareInput objects describing those inputs.


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which modules of this type publish to FirmwareOutput objects describing those outputs.


(dict) A list of libraries on which this module depends. In particular, it should be a list of dictionaries with the same structure as is required by the “repository” field.


(dict) A dictionary mapping status codes (as 8-bit integers) for this module to strings describing the relevant status.


A FirmwareModule is a single instance of a FirmwareModuleType usually configured to control a single physical sensor or actuator.


(str, required) The ID of the FirmwareModuleType of this object


(str, required) The ID of the Environment on which this peripheral acts


(list) A list of argument values to pass to the module. There should be at least as many items in this list as there are arguments in the FirmwareModuleType for this module that don’t have a default value.


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which this module subscribes to FirmwareInput objects describing those inputs. The set of keys in this dictionary must be a subset of the keys in the inputs dictionary for the FirmwareModuleType for this module. Values in this dictionary override values in the firmware module type.


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which this module publishes to FirmwareOutput objects describing those outputs. The set of keys in this dictionary must be a subset of the keys in the outputs dictionary for the FirmwareModuleType for this module. Values in this dictionary override values in the firmware module type.


A SoftwareModuleType is a ROS node that can be run on the controller for the farm (e.g. Raspberry Pi). It can listen to ROS topics, publish to ROS topics, and advertize services. Examples include the recipe handler and individual control loops. Software module types are distributed as ROS packages.


(str, required) The name of the ROS package containing the code for this object


(str, required) The name of the executable for this object


(str) Description of the library


(array, required) An array of dictionaries describing the command line arguments to be passed to this module. The inner dictionaries must contain the field “name” (the name of the argument) and can contain the fields “type” (one of “int”, “float”, “bool”, and “str”), “description” (a short description of what the argument is for), “required” (a boolean indicating whether or not this argument is required to be passed to the module. defaults to False) and “default” (a default value for the argument in case no value is supplied). An argument should only have a default value if it is required.


(dict, required) A nested dictionary mapping names of ROS parameters read by this module to dictionaries describing those parameters. The inner dictionaries can contain the fields “type” (one of “int”, “float”, “bool”, and “str”) “description” (a short description of what the parameter is for), “required” (a boolean indicating whether or not this parameter is required to be defined), and “default” (a default value for the parameter in case no value is supplied). A parameter should only have a default value if it is required.


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which this library subscribes to dictionaries containing information about those topics. The inner dictionaries must contain the field “type” (the ROS message type expected for messages on the topic) and can contain the field “description” (a short description of what the input is for).


(dict) A nested dictionary mapping names of topics to which this library publishes to dictionaries containing information about those topics. The inner dictionary must contain the field “type” (the ROS message type expected for messages on the topic) and can contain the field “description” (a short description of what the output is for).


A SoftwareModule is a single instance of a SoftwareModuleType.


(str, required) The ID of the SoftwareModuleType of this object


(str) The name of the ros namespace that should contain the ROS node for this software module. If no value is provided, the environment field is used instead. If no environment is provided, the module is placed in the global namespace.


(str) The ID of the Environment on which this SoftwareModule acts.


(array) A list of argument values to pass to the module. there should be at least as many items in this list as there are arguments in the SoftwareModuleType for this module that don’t have a default value.


(dict) A dictionary mapping ROS parameter names to parameter values. These parameters will be defined in the roslaunch XML file under the node for this software module.


(dict) A dictionary mapping ROS names for topics or parameters to different ROS names. Keys are the names defined in the software module type and values are the names that should be used instead. This can be used, for example, to route the correct inputs into a control module with generic input names like set_point and measured.